
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Reducing The Impact of Plastics with Ellen Jackowski of HP, Inc.
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Ellen Jackowski, the Global Head of Sustainability, Strategy and Innovation at HP joins the podcast to talk about how HP puts sustainability at the core of everything that HP does. Ellen shares about HP's plastics strategy and how it is reducing the amount of plastics in its products, how HP substituting plastics, and significantly, how HP is taking ocean-bound plastics out of the waste stream and recycling those plastics into its products.

Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Closing the STEM Talent Gap, A Conversation with Ashley Szofer of STEMconnector
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
Tuesday Jun 09, 2020
What do you think of when you think of technology employers? Apple, Google, Facebook, and Amazon come to mind. What about Walmart? Every company is a tech company and every company needs a STEM talent development and acquisition strategy. Michael talks with Ashley Szofer, Senior Director at STEM Connector about how her organization connects leaders who have a passion for and a vested interest in collectively reenvisioning the STEM workforce.
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Check out our website: www.actual.agency

Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Investment in renewable energy, climate-smart agriculture, and urbanization in the emerging world is a vast area of importance and urgency. And the combination of private capital, public financing, governments and global institutions is vital to ending extreme poverty, boosting shared prosperity, and stemming climate change. Michael talks to Alzbeta Klein is the Director & Global Head of Climate Business at the International Finance Corporation about IFC’s role as the largest global development institution focused on private sector investment in emerging markets. They talk about the role that IFC plays in providing capital and as a convenor in bringing expertise and influence to investors into the developing world.
Follow us on Twitter: @mby
Check out our website: www.actual.agency

Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Companies doing the right things to support all their stakeholders – front-line workers - are posting better performance and market returns than their peers. On this episode, Michael talks with Alison Omens, Chief Strategy Officer at JUST Capital about the connection between corporate America and the values of the American people. Alison shares how JUST Capital connects consumer sentiment to help companies improve performance and investors gauge and measure corporate risk; the importance of the S in ESG; integrating non-financial metrics with decision-making processes; and how consumers and investors are responding to corporate action during COVID-19.
Follow us on Twitter: @mby
Check out our website: www.actual.agency
Check out JUST Capital’s research here: https://justcapital.com/data/
Sign up for JUST Capital’s weekly COVID updates here: https://signup.e2ma.net/signup/1883669/1892435/

Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
According to the UN, by 2050 we will need to produce 70 percent more food as the global population grows by 2.3 billion. Globally more than 500 million smallholder farmers provide 80% of food for communities across the world. To discuss this, Michael welcomes Gabriela Burian, Senior Director Sustainable Food Systems at Bayer Crop Science. Michael and Gabriela talk Bayer’s emphasis on transparency, importance of connecting agriculture to sustainability and environmental health, and Gabriela shares what Bayer is doing to support stakeholders during the COVID-19 crisis

Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Today on the podcast, a Special Report on Creating Safer and More Supportive Workplaces in the Age of COVID-19 with Linda Seabrook of Futures Without Violence. I talk to Linda about the opportunity for intervention and realization that the workplace can be a safe place for those experiencing Intimate Partner Violence; the grim calculus a low-wage working woman must confront – between safety and a paycheck; what responsibilities do we have to each other as colleagues; what responsibilities do employers have; and how corporations should move to policies based on listening to vulnerable workers.
Follow us on Twitter: @mby
Check out our website: www.actual.agency

Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
On this episode of Purpose, Inc, host Michael Young welcomes Tom Szaky to discuss sustainable capitalism, circular economy and the future of packaging. Tom is the Founder and CEO of Terracycle, a business devoted to eliminating the idea of waste through recycling - including traditionally difficult items to recycle. Tom has written extensively about recycling, re-commerce and the reducing waste from consumer goods packaging. Tom discusses the need for new approaches to capitalism, why consumer values and decisions about recycling and sustainability don’t always align. Tom shares about the circular economy, and the business model for Loop, and the power of nature being demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Follow us on Twitter: @mby
Check out our website: www.actual.agency

Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
On this episode of Purpose, Inc, host Michael Young discusses the intersection between business and human rights with Caroline Rees, the President and Co-Founder of Shift. Shift is the leading center of expertise on the UN Guiding Principles on Human Rights. Caroline is a leading voice and expert about the role of business in respecting human rights. They discuss the ways in which companies need to think about human rights and why there is often confusion surrounding them; why sustainability reports don’t always tell the full story; the disconnect between business models and sustainability and why they need to be reconnected; and how beginning with the most vulnerable populations is a necessity when planning for the interactions between people and businesses.
Follow us on Twitter: @mby
Check out our website: www.actual.agency

Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Tuesday Apr 28, 2020
Are profitable and sustainable business models the way to solve the world’s problems? Author and expert, Alice Korngold, President & CEO of Korngold Consulting joins the podcast to talk about the role of corporations in developing unique solutions to the world’s most pressing problems. Michael talks with Alice about her book A Better World, Inc., and whether corporations can be trusted to be stewards of stakeholders’ interests. Alice explains her work matching corporate executives with not-for-profit boards and the valuable benefits both entities receive; and how COVID-19 will forever change how we view corporations.
Follow us on Twitter: @mby
Check out our website: www.actual.agency/podcast
Contact Alice: alice@korngoldconsulting.com
Alice’s Twitter: @alicekorngold
You can download the studies she mentioned on the podcast for free here: www.betterworldleadership.com
Please consider learning more about Alice and her work:
A Better World, Inc.: How Companies Profit by Solving Global Problems…Where Governments Cannot
Leveraging Good Will: Strengthening Nonprofits by Engaging Businesses
The Board Vector: tools & resources for business employees to join nonprofit boards.
Here’s an article from the Wall Street Journal on Alice’s work with the Drucker Institute to measure Fortune 250 companies based on their alignment with Peter Drucker’s Social Responsibility principles:

Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Tuesday Apr 21, 2020
Globally 4 billion people are locked out of the formal economy because they don’t have a credit history. On this episode of Purpose, Inc, host Michael Young welcomes Josh Gosliner of Juvo. Juvo has pioneered the creation of financial identities for the unbanked and underbanked using mobile phone usage and payments data to build a credit bureau from scratch. Josh discusses how the lack of information about credit worthiness places a heavy burden on the poor; the impact Juvo is having in developing economies in Latin America and South East Asia; and why market-based solutions are the way forward.
Follow us on Twitter: @mby
Check out our website: www.actual.agency